Monday, March 30, 2009

The One-Two Punch That Will Destroy Uncle Sam

Democrat, Republican, Green, Independent, Libertarian, etc.… I could personally care less. It doesn’t matter what political affiliation you have. If you are a red-blooded American, you will be in the same boat with everyone else. “Our” boat has a leak and it is about to get a lot bigger.

We have been “Bailing” out banks, insurance companies and investment companies to the tune of Trillions of dollars. Our president tells us that the problem is going to get worse before it gets better. This might be the only thing Barack Obama has said that I actually agree with. There is one small caveat, and that is to say the problems I am talking about are the ones caused by him and his Congressional enablers .

Recent news headlines warned that the member nations of the G20 are proposing a new world currency and to drop the dollar. For most Americans, this is a non-story. I am not sure why, because this is perhaps the most important story in our history since it has the potential to destroy us.

The G20, which is a group of the largest 19 economies plus the EU, controls more than 80% of the world’s gross domestic product. Should they be successful in moving forward, their actions will be catastrophic for America.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, nor someone who is pessimistic about America’s future. But I am scared stiff of what is hovering on the horizon.

Currently, the U.S. has a national debt in excess of 10 Trillion dollars. In the first three months of a new presidency, President Obama has proposed and Congress is about to actually approve, more debt-based spending than our nation has ever spent. By the word “ever” I mean all of the presidencies from George Washington up and through George W. Bush combined.

The combination of the G20 proposal and the actions of our elected officials will destroy the US dollar and the economy of the United States. The sovereignty of our nation is at stake and the media either doesn’t get it, or is so busy being the cheerleader for the Obama administration they are blinded by their infatuation. We are under attack, and it is from within.

The money Congress and the Obama administration are spending is money we don’t actually have. So, we have to borrow it from other nations. If we cannot borrow it, then the Treasury will print it. Since we dropped the gold standard in 1971, our dollars are not backed by anything of value beyond the full faith and credit of our government. Since the purchasers of our national debt have expressed concern about the security of their “investment”, they are essentially saying our credit rating is suspect and they have no faith in our ability to repay.

In “econospeak”, they are saying they do not believe we can support our current debt levels, and the spending spree the Administration and Congress are on is not sustainable. That is a wake up call because they are absolutely correct.

After the Second World War, most nations pegged to the dollar which was backed by gold. A dollar or a Federal Reserve note could be exchanged for one dollar of gold upon demand. In 1971, when we dropped the gold standard, we put all of their wealth on the same system. As we continue to devalue our currency, and borrow more and more money we are destroying their system at the same time.

So, their solution is to un-peg from the dollar. If this happens, they will flood the system with dollars as they sell their reserves and convert their treasury to a new currency. This flood of dollars will essentially make a dollar worthless as there will be far too many dollars backing up too little goods.

The most recent nation whose currency took this path was the former Soviet Union. They were destroyed by a devaluation of the ruble, caused by high inflation, and a lack of productivity, caused by socialism, from which they still suffer to a degree. Yes, I said the “S” word.

What I don’t fully understand is how is it that the so called smartest people in the country, who have been educated in some of the finest institutions of higher learning, can turn out to be so stupid as to not actually learn from prior mistakes? Call me old fashioned, but that principle is what kept you from touching a hot stove twice when you were a toddler.

How ironic that the most powerful nation on the planet can be destroyed by a piece of paper? These events are in progress and can be stopped. The American people must wake up and take this nation back from those that are either ignorant or willfully seeking to change this nation to one that is dependent upon others for its survival.

Our Congress is currently trying to solve a long term problem with a short term solution. Their approach is short-sighted and incredibly dangerous. I believe it borders upon treason and we must solve this problem with our most powerful weapon. Our vote.

We must resolve ourselves to plug the hole in the boat, throw those who are helping to make the hole bigger (Congress and the administration) overboard. Just as we cannot save our boat by pumping more water on-board, we cannot borrow our way to prosperity. Contact your congressional representatives today and tell them how you feel.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Secret To Build A Robust Economy, A Stronger Dollar, Renewed Confidence In America, and To Leave A Better Country To Our Children In Just 6 Steps.

For all the rhetoric and gloom and doom prophets that say we must spend our way back to prosperity, I say “Take your snake oil and hit the road!” It is time to approach our issues with the reasoned, thoughtful approach Americans are famous for, and finally solve things once and for all. And, in the meantime, prevent this from happening again.

I would like to present to you what I believe is the ONLY real solution and I hope you will join me in making it come to be a reality.

For far too long, we have been conditioned to think in certain terms with no regard to keeping our feet firmly planted on the ground. We talk about deficits, but not about our debt. We are told that our deficits are a small percentage of our GDP, so don't worry. One of my mentors many years ago told me, "Percentages lie, and liars use percentages." We must be concerned about our debt, as it will soon be unsustainable.

I have also been amazed over the last several years that we permit our government to toss around numbers in BILLIONS like a billion dollars is nothing. When in fact, Congress is spending someone else’s money and we need to regain control and put some common sense in place.

Not too long ago the clock that tracks the national debt of the United States of America actually ran out of digits because the our debt is too large to be displayed. The national debt of the US is approximately at $10 Trillion dollars. That would look like $10,000 Billion.

To keep this number in perspective, if you stacked the national debt up using $1 bills, the stack would go on for 468,000 miles. And we are talking about borrowing more, assuming we have takers who are interested in loaning us the money. If we don’t, then our plan is to print the money which opens up other issues.

It is a fact that we can no longer delude ourselves as Americans to think that Congress is capable of solving this problem without our intervention. WE THE PEOPLE must solve it, and we must demand action right now. We must make it mandatory or else it will never happen.

Here is what must be done to save our great nation from becoming an abject financial failure and destroying a critical component of what actually makes us the Land of the Free. The ideal of free enterprise is what has made America great. It has bettered the lives of more people throughout the world than can be counted. That coupled with a government for the people, by the people and of the people are what makes us an economic superstar.

I am of the opinion that “the people” have stopped showing up because they don’t feel their voices are heard. "The people" don;t know what to do to solve these problems. What I am completely certain of is that we must get “the people” back involved in order to get our government working again and to stop this impending colossal trainwreck.

So, here are the steps WE THE PEOPLE must take.

First, we must contact our representatives and demand they pass legislation to place an Amendment to our Constitution requiring a balanced budget before the people. The sole exception to be in times of war, that is declared by Congress. During these times, our government may issue bonds to generate the capital necessary to successfully prosecute the war if it is necessary. After the divisive attitudes towards our efforts in Iraq, we can no longer afford the War Powers Act to enable Congress to state that the President “got us into this mess” when in fact the declaration of war rests upon the shoulders of Congress. The American people have every right to expect our branches of government to actually fulfill their roles.

Secondly, we must demand that our government pass legislation that REQUIRES a separate line item in the budget that puts a portion of our budget to be applied to retiring our debt.

Third, we must require that all amendments to legislation be specific to that bill. Adding a requirement to spend $20 million dollars to study the mating habits of a lizard to a transportation bill can no longer be tolerated. If someone wants to study the lizard, the legislation for this project should be able to stand upon its own merit. Riders and amendments such as this are costly, sneaky and plain wrong.

The responsibility to ensure this rule is followed will be accomplished by the President of the United States. The chief executive is responsible for submitting the budget, and he should have the right to a line item veto for all appropriations that were not included in his submission. The system of checks and balances will work, but it is hobbled by an all or none requirement. The old approach of, “We’ll give you what you want, but you have to agree to spend the people’s money frivolously” has got to stop.

Within the framework for the balanced budget requirement, emergency spending bills to continue the operation of government because Congress and the President cannot conclude the people’s financial business in a timely fashion should not be permitted. Should an emergency measure be required because we are at war, then all appropriations shall be deducted from the actual budget upon its passage.

We must demand an end to baseline budgeting. This is the method whereby a “cut” is actually a reduction in a projected and expected increase. This strategy also creates an environment for governmental agencies to spend EVERY dollar budgeted, even if they don’t need to, because if they fail to do so, their budget will be reduced in the coming year.

Fourth, we must demand that all tax cuts shall be permanent when placed in to law. This means there shall be no more tax cuts with a sunset provision where they will expire. It should be common sense to understand that the money actually belongs to those who make it. Government shall not assume it is theirs to give and take. If you need to increase taxes, then do it by the book. Legislate it and let the people see you do it.

Fifth, we must reduce the tax burden on businesses, both large and small, so there is more capital to invest in growth, equipment, marketing, sales, etc. This will also serve to reduce the reliance upon credit which will aid the banks as they recover from recent events. It is difficult to understand that our nation has one of the highest corporate taxes while being the leader in free enterprise. Capital will flow to where it can grown and do the most good for a business. High taxes on businesses are bad ideas, since the majority of Americans are employed by small business.

Sixth, we must begin to teach our young people more about economics, personal finance and civics so they are better equipped to fully appreciate the opportunities that exist here in America, but to also be better equipped to enter the world and prosper. We do not teach our young people about investing, financial planning, and debt management and as the Baby boomers age we absolutely must begin to do so.

By taking these six steps we will strengthen the dollar and financial markets all over the world. The world will see that America is committed to preserving our place in the world. Confidence will return, which will spur more investment.

We will begin the process of reducing out of control spending, and begin to repay the money our country owes. This commitment alone will do more to strengthen our economy than any stimulus package ever could.

We will also get our government to actually do its job and serve the needs of America’s future, as well as fulfill their sworn duties of office. Our government is broken, and these steps are but a beginning. All great stories must have a beginning. The story of America’s resurgence to economic greatness should begin here. Today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hello and HAPPY NEW YEAR... this is my first post of the year and I hope you will take a few moments to read this, as your action (or inaction) will affect Generations…

Obviously, the election cycle is over (thank heavens) and Barack H. Obama won. As a veteran, I will support him as the President, however, my support is rooted in love of country. Not love of Barack Obama.
While he is the President of ALL Americans, we cannot blindly follow whatever he says. We owe if to ourselves and the country we will leave behind to our children to stop this bill RIGHT NOW. Much like the $750 Billion TARP bill that had to be passed immediately or grave consequences would occur, we are being told that it is CRITICAL to act NOW…. We don’t actually know where all that money actually went, but we do know where it didn’t go…. The world didn’t end… the sky did not fall…. And we are now $750 BILLION deeper in the hole…. With nothing to show for it.

Don’t believe the hype… this problem didn’t pop up overnight, and taking a little time to address the problem with a solution that will actually work, and makes sense is called for.

There is no denying that our country is in the midst of an economic down turn, and how severe it will turn out to be is yet to be seen. What I do understand, because history has proven it, is that simply printing almost a TRILLION dollars to spend it like drunken sailors at a time when Americans are cutting their OWN spending is patently WRONG in principal. Not to mention practicality..

A study of history shows that massive government spending did not pull our country out of the great depression. What caused the turn around was World War II.

As recently as the 1990’s Japan spent tons and tons of money, and it did not pull their country out of an almost decade long recession.

In the late 1970s when inflation was in excess of 15% annually, what pulled the US out of a solid recession, and ridiculously high interest rates were tax cuts for ALL Americans…. A reduction in the capital gains tax, and a pro business approach.

History has proven, that WAR and tax cuts have been the catalysts to turn our economy around.

It does not matter who the President is. What matters is adding another TRILLION dollars to our already 9 TRILLION dollars in debt is a bad idea. It would be a bad idea even if the country had a booming economy. A stimulus bill should be FOCUSED on cutting taxes, getting capital to the market to spur on investments and small businesses. Right now interest rates are down, but if we continue to print money, we will see a return to those high rates.

To keep things in perspective, if you could stack 10 trillion dollars up, the stack would be more than 468,000 MILES long and would extend beyond the MOON by more than 200,000. There are THREE solutions to our national debt…

1. Default on it…. That would be bad……

2. Monetize the debt… (Print More money to pay it off) which will cause HYPER inflation at a scale like this…. (Google hyperinflation or Weimar Republic)

3. Pay it off…. Which requires discipline… will require a balanced budget amendment and a line item in the budget to pay off our debt. This strategy requires our representatives and Senators to be adults and responsible with OUR money…

What is contained in this bill is ridiculous, and this bill is NOT a stimulus package. In fact, according to some estimates there is less than 12% of this bill that is actually designed to stimulate our economy. Additionally, less the 21% of the money will be spent in 2009 (Yes it is still January of the 2009).

I am fully prepared to support our President when his ideas are good. This bill does not meet that criteria.

Don’t take my word for it. Read it… but I urge you to call your Congressman/Representative, and Senators and tell them DO NOT SUPPORT THIS BILL. Difficult times require thoughtful, deliberate action. Right now, the action needed is YOURS, MINE and all Americans…

ALL of the phone numbers follow…. GET involved in solving this problem… do not blindly trust the same morons that caused the mess to begin with, and permit them to follow a course of action that is PROVEN NOT to work….. PLEASE FORWARD THIS BLOG ALONG TO THE PEOPLE YOU KNOW……
Email me for a list of all the US Represntaitves contactnumbers...